
Letting Go Of The Outcome
My goal is to create using my subconscious imagination and my hands. My goal is to feel the art and create poetry as a response. My goal is to share it in vulnerability. Then, my work is done.

Reclaiming The Supplanted Self
Even though it takes courage to act with integrity, I am enjoying the liberating freedom of realizing I contain all the guidance I need to thrive — inside my Self. I carry it with me wherever I go.

Transcendence Under The Sea: Lessons From The Immortal Jellyfish
At the end of 2023, I became captivated by the immortal jellyfish, scientifically known as Turritopsis dohrnii. Let's delve into how this sea creature can inspire us to think differently.

Not Here: Tracking Your Inner Zebramingo
Physical sensations such as joy, peace, or discomfort serve as compasses, guiding us toward a life of alignment and integrity.